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Analysis of which enterprises are suitable for 微信小程序 development

2019-07-13 01:12:06 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With 小程序 going online for a year, some apps that are cumbersome and low-frequency on the mobile phone have a new alternative. Many companies that miss the traditional e-commerce hope to seize this 微信 bonus, so for the following Low frequency, not just for traditional businesses, is very suitable for小程序开发. The next 沈阳汇海 network will share relevant content for everyone.


First, how traditional enterprises deal with 小程序.

小程序 Determine the industry nature of the enterprise before development, and determine the type of development 小程序, for example APP软件


For example, the catering industry can use the 小程序 online menu. Other service industries can make online convenient tools 小程序. Like Mobike, brand merchants can build online stores.

After the enterprise develops 小程序, it can be combined with the public account. When the enterprise develops 小程序 to obtain users, it uses the 微信 public account to conduct user operation precipitation and performs secondary conversion. At present, 微信 users have nearly one billion people, and 微信 has become the largest traffic portal. Thus, the emergence of 微信小程序 provides enterprises with more possibilities for cross-platform tradition.

Second, which companies are currently suitable for developing 小程序.

xx 像传统企业中的轻量级,低频率,非刚需,功能单一的,并且不需要调动太多的系统功能,传统企业更加适合小程序开发,对于一些高频,刚需的企业已经适合开发APP,目前像许多付费类O2O类,生活服务类,桌面小工具类等适用频率一般,功能性也比较单一,使用频率一般,小程序开发是一个不错的选择。






并且随着后期小程序开发的不断完善,其中小程序中 '附近店' 的功能的出现,使得用户进入微信小程序界面后,可以直接搜索所在地一定范围内的所有的小程序,其中包括周边的一些餐饮店,大中小商场,服务类店铺,线下实体店,为传统企业,特别是零售行业带来无限的可能。

XX 在成功开发微信小程序之后,在一定程度上避免了竞争对手窃取流量的风险。开发小程序对于传统企业来说是一种非常好的方式。


