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小程序 development, how can developers avoid 小程序 pain points?

2019-07-12 13:22:12 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信小程序 officially launched, 微信小程序 everywhere, some people swear 小程序, others think 小程序 will be the next e-commerce dividend. Now, 小程序 tide broke out again, 微信 users are used to getting various information through 小程序, spending on 小程序

微信小程序 officially launched, 微信小程序 everywhere, some people swear 小程序, others think 小程序 will be the next e-commerce dividend.

Nowadays, the 小程序 tide broke out again. 微信 users are used to obtaining various information through 小程序 and spending on 小程序. Developers and entrepreneurs also started to build around 小程序, which is undoubtedly the person who beat the face and sang. However, behind the emergence of the 小程序 trend, it also triggered a series of reflections.


Although 小程序 can be brilliant in the mobile Internet, it is not perfect, and there are some contradictions.

微信小程序 is running out, developers want to keep users

Zhang Xiaolong hopes that 小程序 users will “run away” to improve the efficiency of each function of 小程序, saving users time, but after users run out of 小程序, they will not be associated with 小程序. Developers want to build lasting connections with users, continue to provide services to users, turn users into loyal users, and always bring value to 小程序. Attracting users with high-frequency functions, do not want APP软件


The user runs out, but runs out.

xx 微信小程序分散,开发人员面临冷漠汇海问题





