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What features do you want to develop a personnel management system?

2019-07-11 10:53:36 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Efficient enterprise management helps to realize the modernization of enterprise management. The personnel management in the enterprise is a comprehensive service project. In the Internet era, the development of a personnel management system combined with the technology of cloud and mobile makes the personnel management more convenient and fast. Efficient. Efficient communication between personnel and employees can be achieved through Internet platform management.



1. Enterprise attendance management: support a variety of attendance methods, support the field trajectory, check the attendance of employees at any time, abnormal situations can be processed according to timely.

2. Corporate Address Book: Enterprise, team organization structure at a glance, quickly find people anytime, anywhere, to promote understanding between colleagues.

3. Information Broadcast Notification: The company's announcement notice can be used to post internal corporate notifications, and corporate news and announcements can be easily grasped.

4. Employee file information: intelligent push file upload, help HR greatly improve work efficiency, send employees birthday wishes, admission anniversary blessings.

5. Salary and salary statistics: According to different job types, different wage calculation methods are designed online, intelligent salary and salary statistics, and electronic wages are issued.

6. Resource sharing function: If an office article is shared through the cloud security function, employees in the company can download and use, and the information is encrypted and saved.


xx 人事管理系统提供员工关系管理,人事程序,薪酬福利管理,员工档案管理等服务,使企业能够以极低的成本和高效率完成人力资源管理工作,提高企业的管理水平,并提高工作效率。当今企业的管理现代化,人事管理系统更加高效,灵活,适用于现代企业的各种线上线下审批事宜,使您的团队能够轻松适应现代办公场景。





人事管理系统的使用使管理更加方便,快捷,高效。通过互联网平台管理促进企业管理现代化。 app开发公司汇海技术,为更多客户提供更多一站式移动互联网服务,更多APP报价和周期信息,提交APP定制需要了解。


