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What are the features of store management APP软件开发?

2019-07-11 09:15:45 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Nowadays, many offline chain stores are connected with the mobile Internet. Through the store management APP软件, the current online store and store information are not synchronized, resulting in a difficult operation. The store management APP is an information management tool that can realize store management. The dataization informationization, similar to the functions of commodity management and after-sales maintenance, realizes the integration of online and offline business.


1. The market pain point solved by store management APP软件

1. Consumer collections are skip-the-line: People often encounter an annoyance when shopping in the mall during holidays. They are queuing for shopping and queuing, which leads to many customers waiting for too long to reduce the consumption experience. The store management APP软件 can realize the payment by scanning the QR code, that is, buying and leaving.

2. The sales data is clearer: the current offline stores all have the income of the platform and the income of the physical store. The sales data is difficult to distinguish, resulting in conflicts of interest distribution. The financial data can be seen at a glance through the store management APP.

3. Enhance the maintenance of store members: The high cost of obtaining customers is also a problem faced by many shops nowadays. Difficulties in the drainage of stores and the difficulty in maintaining the maintenance of customer members are also the current market pain points. Nowadays, in the era of mobile Internet, when people get information or consume, they are often obtained through mobile APP. Through store management APP软件, store information, link forwarding and sharing can be simplified.

2. O2O store management APP软件 function introduction

1. Store home page function setting: Each chain store is stationed in the APP online store. Each store can separately set up the shop page decoration, according to the decoration of the area and the festival self-platform shop.

xx 2.离线商品提取功能:人们可以在线购买商品,您可以选择在线提货,直接显示购物或条形码的二维码,即可在线收货。

3.存储销售数据视图:通过APP系统,可以统一PC端和移动端的数据功能。 APP还可以通过APP查看商店销售数据的统计数据,并可以通过每日统计数据或月度统计数据以及各种订单详情查看。视图。





沈阳app开发公司认为,新的零售电子商务正在向前发展。 O2O商店管理应用程序可以有机地结合在线和离线消费。它是由许多商店开发的移动互联网工具,有助于改善商店管理。而且工作效率高。


