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Logistics Distribution Platform 软件开发 Promotes Logistics Distribution 汇海

2019-07-11 09:15:32 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In the Internet era, the technology of many industries and the development of information are promoted. The development of the logistics express industry also makes us feel the convenience of the current logistics and distribution of goods. The emergence of logistics distribution platform 软件开发, such as logistics APP, freight APP, etc. enables people to realize more Internet + services in the distribution service of logistics express, and constantly promote the development of the logistics distribution industry.



1. Freight logistics and distribution: This kind of freight logistics and distribution is generally a large commodity distribution service, similar to the industry's freight logistics distribution 软件, mainly through the similar online APP软件 platform online order, the driver picks up Single production 软件


Internet 软件 platform providing logistics and distribution services.

2. Express logistics and distribution: People's online shopping habits are also more common nowadays. Online shopping products are generally delivered directly by express delivery. Of course, people can also place orders through the express company's APP软件 online express delivery service.


1. Release the source information: through the online logistics distribution platform 软件 such as APP online fill out the order information release, reserve order service, offline online according to distance or other means.

2. Online order receiving service: If it is a freight logistics distribution and distribution platform, the driver who enters the platform offline can directly receive the order. If the express delivery company, the courier receives the order directly and picks up the goods.

xx 3.在线支付功能:系统可根据订单交货记录或快递交货项目的重量显示价格。用户可以直接在线支付,通过在线支付完成订单。






