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Development and production of restaurant ordering APP function program

2019-07-11 09:06:30 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the development of Internet technology, there are more Internet technology services in the field of consumer consumption. For example, when you go to a restaurant or restaurant for dinner, you will find that there are fewer and fewer manual meals, many of which are in the seats. The confidant self-service orders through the restaurant ordering app or 小程序软件. Restaurant ordering app development provides a convenient management method for management. What are the functions of ordering APP mobile phone 软件开发, the following is a brief understanding.


1. The service brought by the restaurant ordering app

Nowadays, people are habitually in the consumer service to first understand the information needs through the mobile APP软件 online, restaurant ordering APP, such as some brand chain restaurants, restaurant ordering APP can display the details of the dish information through APP软件 online, or promote through the activity mode Promote the restaurant's food products.

The restaurant ordering app can reduce the troubles of queuing and ordering foods. The fast ordering consumption also helps to improve the efficiency of the current restaurant business service. The time of ordering and paying the bills has improved the efficiency of ordering, placing orders and paying bills. Improve restaurant dining efficiency, increase customer satisfaction, clear orders, real-time monitoring, and quickly count out the store's business service consumption list.

2. Development and production of restaurant ordering APP function program

1. Dishes screening function: By ordering, you can choose to purchase dishes online by ordering, price, sales quantity, ranking, etc.

2. Food details display: The restaurant's ordering APP display menu is displayed in front of the customer in the form of graphic and textual introduction. Through text introduction, the user can understand the information of this dish more clearly.

3. Online shopping function: restaurant ordering APP directly online selection of dishes to add ERP system


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