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How is a community group buying platform developed at a high speed?

2019-07-13 17:04:23 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Nowadays, social e-commerce is more and more popular among consumers. People are willing to realize all consumption at 微信, but they are not willing to separate into each APP operation, which provides a good business for the development of e-commerce for social group purchase. Below 汇海 micro-distribution Xiaobian and everyone analysis,

Nowadays, social e-commerce is more and more popular among consumers. People are willing to realize all consumption at 微信, but they are not willing to separate into each APP operation, which provides a good business for the development of e-commerce for social group purchase. Below 汇海微分销Xiaobian and everyone's analysis, what stage can the development of social group purchase be divided into?



The current business model of community group buying is not complicated, and there is no too high threshold. Therefore, the initial difficulty lies in the degree of user acceptance, community promotion and operation, and supply chain integration. In this stage, the direction of platform operation determines the development direction of the platform.

For example, the Koala Collection. The head of the group is mainly the owner, the main products are vegetables, the urban expansion route is the direct + joining mode (city partner), the supply chain section is the matching mode, and the large single product self-collecting + matching mode is developed according to the demand in the middle and late stages


Copying across the country is one of the popular promotion methods for Internet project promotion. Under the impetus of capital, the pursuit of the fastest speed becomes a unicorn.

xx 无论谁先行,都有机会被更多的资本所认可,资本的力量将被用来达到剩下的资金。这是玩资本驱动的互联网模式的典型方式。尽管之前的无人驾驶货架和共享自行车上的几个热门赛道,资本驱动的模型仍然是赛道上竞争的主要方式。


大量的球员和资本的进入,未来是一个通用的,或一群人。谁可以用完? VC打赌,企业家正在打架。从模型框架到细节,您可以生存并攀登到顶峰,并与每一个重要的选择和坚持斗争。









数据来自:Yibang Power


