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What is the difference between a three-tier distribution system and traditional distribution

2019-07-13 16:17:36 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Now more and more companies are adopting a three-tier distribution system. However, there are still many people who don't know about the network. I don't know what the three-level distribution system is. What is the difference between him and traditional distribution? Today, Xiaobian is Let us briefly introduce you.

Now more and more companies are adopting the三级分销系统approach, but there are still many people who don't know about the network. I don't know what the third-level distribution system is. What is the difference between him and traditional distribution? Today, Xiaobian is for everyone. Briefly introduce.


What is a three-level distribution system

The most important part of the three-tier distribution system is that it is a three-level distribution form with an infinite fission circle theory. Distributors can carry out unlimited fission, and then you can enjoy the production of products sold offline, while the level distribution system is in three. The level of distribution model is based on broadening the sales channels of its products and increasing brand influence.

The difference between a three-tier distribution system and a traditional distribution system

1. The distribution model is different

The three-level distribution system is based on the three-level distribution model. He emphasizes the role of the third level. The distribution system is mainly the distribution mode. There are also two levels of distribution. Because the three-level distribution system mainly focuses on wireless three-level distribution, many people compare Like, because he broke the limitation of the distribution mode level OA system


, you can cycle fission and instantly build your own distribution system.

2, the platform is different

The three-level distribution system borrows the platform of 微信, and the participating distribution system can build the distribution platform by itself, not necessarily related to 微信.

xx Although many people are stuck in the vague concept of 微信 distribution, but now micro-sales is more popular, many companies and individuals have joined the micro-business force, so the future three-level distribution system will certainly get more and more fire.



