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What is the 小程序 distribution rule? What are its advantages?

2019-07-13 02:03:23 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In the new form of mobile Internet, 小程序 bursts red, and 小程序 distribution has become popular. Is the distribution of 小程序 and 小程序 essentially the same? What is the difference between the two? The following 汇海 Xiaobian analysis, the difference between 小程序 and 小程序 distribution is

In the new form of mobile Internet, 小程序 bursts red, and 小程序 distribution has become popular. Is the distribution of 小程序 and 小程序 essentially the same? What is the difference between the two? The following 汇海 Xiaobian analysis, what is the difference between 小程序 and 小程序 distribution? What are the advantages of the combination of the two 小程序 distribution mall?



In fact, the concept of distribution is no stranger. As a marketing tool, it has been active in the mobile social business circle as early as a few years ago. With the advent of 小程序, distribution is still a way to help businesses get traffic quickly. 小程序 distribution is simply understood to be a distribution mall based on 微信小程序. As a result, the active users of 微信 itself have brought traffic to the 小程序 distribution mall, which also helps the merchants to achieve online and offline connections, and build a new 微信 distribution system for enterprises, thus bringing traditional enterprises. Breakthroughs and transformations in the marketing model.


xx 小程序分销商城与其他电商平台最大的不同就是无需下载APP,只要通过二维码的扫描即可进入商城随时购物,这不仅节省了商家的线上开店成本,也提高了客户线上购物的操作便捷性。而“分享拿提成”则是小程序分销商城的新玩法。








