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微信 custom development design automatic reply function

2019-07-12 22:12:10 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信 public number has an automatic reply function, this function includes automatic reply added and 沈阳软件 company


Key words automatic reply. Adding an auto-reply helps users understand the purpose, functionality, and service of the public number, and enhances user stickiness with short, clear words. 微信 public number设计自动回复功能, this feature includes automatic reply and keyword auto reply. Adding an auto-reply helps users understand the purpose, functionality, and service of the public number, and enhances user stickiness with short, clear words. The keyword auto-reply is to let the user input the keyword by himself, so as to obtain the information it needs and promote the user's experience.1-1Z4221243115A.jpgxx


