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微信 custom development profit model single

2019-07-12 22:00:25 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The main profit model of 微信小程序 is advertising revenue and commission mode. In this highly competitive Internet environment, a single profit model will become a large OA system


Disadvantages.盈利模式单一. The main profit model of 微信小程序 is advertising revenue and commission mode. Under the current highly competitive Internet environment, a single profit model will become a major drawback. Compared with the profit model of other modules such as 微信, such as e-commerce, service revenue, etc. the profit model of 微信小程序 is also very single in the range of 微信. At this stage, a single profit model can support the operation of 微信小程序, and it needs to be upgraded in terms of long-term development.1-1ZF2194541C6.jpgxx


