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How much is 小程序 development? Custom development 小程序 or selection mode

2019-07-12 21:27:56 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

So today's article will share the cost of different 小程序 development methods. It is easy to develop or purchase templates at a glance:1-1Z622224113T4.jpg Autonomous development costs are more (1) Certification fees must first be known, registration 小程序 is not money, but audit certification A license fee of 300 is required, but this is for direct registration of 小程序. If you have a certified public number, you do not need to pay the certification fee to register 小程序. It should be noted that the certification fee is an annual renewal fee. (2) Labor costs In addition to the basic technical developers, the production of a 小程序 also requires the employment of specialized product managers, artists and other positions, and the Internet as a recognized high-paying industry, assuming a successful development in one month, only tens of thousands of wages yuan. (3) Other expenses have 小程序 also need to configure server and domain name filing, the cost of filing domain name is generally less, only about 100 yuan per year, and the server is different according to the difference of configuration, bandwidth, etc. Around the yuan, a year is also a small expenditure, in addition to the SMS function also need to pay to open. Second, the third-party template cost-effective is due to the cost and technical barriers of 小程序 development, a large number of third-party 小程序 development platform came into being, the biggest advantage of the third-party 小程序 template is to provide one-stop development service 沈阳微信小程序


xx 并且在保证功能的前提下具有良好的成本优势。一般来说,小程序模板在2000-5000元之间,具体取决于行业功能与开发难度之间的差异。需要注意的是,需要支付一些插件,而源代码的价格可能高达10000元以上。三个定制开发服务对一些特殊行业有利,小程序模板无法满足,或者商家有定制要求,一些技术实力小程序平台也提供定制开发服务,但由于相当于自主开发,成本也涨了到数万美元,因此它不适合大多数企业。看到这里,自主开发的小程序或购买现成的模板性价比相信你已经有了答案,可以说行业模板小程序加功能插件可以满足大部分需求。


