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A series of questions for 微信小程序

2019-07-12 15:56:43 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

微信小程序 has a lot of functions and different ways of using it, so many users have a lot of doubts about 小程序. In fact, the function of 小程序 is far more than what we have seen so far. Here, we will do some questions for users.

微信小程序There are a lot of features and designs using 沈阳软件


The way the association is different, many users have a lot of doubts about 小程序. In fact, the function of 小程序 is far more than what we have seen so far. Here, we will answer some questions about the user.

小程序 function

微信小程序 is an application that can be installed and used without downloading. It is also a real realization of the dream at your fingertips. You can open the application with a simple sweep or search, completely avoiding installing too many applications. The problem, the real implementation is exhausted, no need to install uninstall.


小程序 and APP relationship

Logging in with 微信 is a big advantage of 小程序. Federated login is a very advanced feature at present. It will be open to the user data of the APP backend that the developer already has, but it does not support direct connection between 小程序 and APP. A way to jump.

And the difference between the subscription number, service number, and enterprise number

微信 currently has three different public numbers: subscription number, service number, and enterprise number. Then 小程序 is a system that exists in parallel with these three programs and is interrelated.

微信小程序 internal test

xx 小程序的在线是根据内部测试邀请的测试结果确定的。内容对于客户端的用户是暂时不可见的。之后,小程序将完全打开,并将在统一时间向用户开放。



