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How to maintain a good supplier system

2019-07-12 14:10:16 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

With the development of industrial clusters, suppliers play a vital role in the middle of sales or after-sales. Therefore, maintaining a supplier system is absolutely essential to the sale of the entire product. So how do you maintain a good supplier system?

With the development of industrial clusters, suppliers play a vital role in the middle of sales or after-sales. Therefore, maintaining a supplier system is absolutely essential to the sale of the entire product. So, how to maintain供应商系统? Today, we will come to the system to understand.


1. Systematic division of suppliers

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other, there is no war. In order to properly maintain the supplier system, we must first have a clear understanding of the supply of sang. We can make horizontal comparisons and overall perceptions of suppliers according to the supplier's industry classification, service area, and commodity category level.

2. Communicate with suppliers more

As a whole, there may be problems such as market confidentiality among multiple suppliers. So, if it's the relationship between you and the supplier as the seller of the product? At this time, if your product is selling hot enough and the supplier can provide you with more and better products, then you need Through telephone calls, conducting face-to-face meetings, and holding product promotion meetings and other forms of communication and cooperation with suppliers.

3. Clean up unqualified suppliers in time

In order to maintain the supplier system, suppliers who provide counterfeit and shoddy products are required to be promptly cleared and fined to let them know the serious consequences of providing these products.

In fact, the supplier system is not just a simple maintenance. To make suppliers design 软件 for product sellers and manufacturers


xx 家庭服务,那么我们需要通过加强与供应商的联系和规范供应商的供应行为来处理供应商之间的关系。


