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2019-07-11 17:22:58 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

一,原始文章网站优化无论新手还是老手,文章的独创性对提高排名非常重要。对于搜索引擎或客户,优质原创文章是他们喜欢抓取和阅读的内容类型。从优化的角度来看,原创文章对搜索引擎来说非常独特。这意味着从标题到内容的所有内容都是新鲜的,它不在数据库中,这个不同的文章是它想要捕获的类型。对于客户来说,文章的原始表现给他们带来了清新的阅读感。从标题到内容,文章更多地根据他们的需要进行编辑。这与网络收集的文章不同,表示原始和可读,这是客户想要浏览的类型。当包含文章时,客户将在搜索某些关键字时自动匹配,这些关键字将轻松显示在结果页面中。如果文章本身是从其他地方复制的,那就没有创意。只有原创文章可以使优化更好,更好。1-1Z32211151K50.jpg二,图片优化很多公司在做网站优化时忽略了图片的重要性,实际上这和文章更新一样重要,可以带来流量到网站。 网站不是文本或图片,它是一般企业网站的主要内容。图片本身不利于优化,但如果可以包含它,它可以帮助提高排名并使优化向更好的方向发展。有必要注意图片的原创性。在网络中搜索的图片不适合直接使用。可以处理一些PS技术以使图片概念更适合于内容。图片APP软件


The quality needs to be small and clear. What kind of column is tailored to the size, the quality is controlled to reduce the impact on the 网站 opening speed, after all, the picture is too large and requires more time to load. If it is not necessary, the image size is JPG format, do not use the GIF flash map, and set the ALT label (usually edit keywords or column headings), try to let the search engine crawl the content on the label. Third, cater to the rule 网站 optimization is mainly for the search engine, if it does not meet its inclusion rules, even if you do more work, it is just futile. Sometimes 网站 can't get its trust, or there are violations, it will be punished. 网站 reduction of power, ranking decline, articles are not included, etc. are commonplace. A lot of optimizations have not achieved good results, and they have not developed in a good direction. This is just blind optimization. Like collecting articles, gray industry content, dead chains, complex structures, etc. are easily denied.1-1Z32211152R25.jpgxx


