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Do 网站 which operations are easy to miss

2019-07-11 15:34:17 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

First, set the 404 page In general, there will be 404 pages are usually the server can not respond to the current request and pop up the page. Simply put, the page you want to open is inaccessible. This may be because the page has been deleted, or 网站 has been revised to cause the original page path to change. Many companies did not consider this issue when they started 网站. They thought that their 网站 should not appear 404, or they never thought about it. 网站 will face some changes in the process of operation, sometimes the enterprise will delete the content that is not suitable in 网站. It seems that in the beginning, in order to increase the amount of 网站 content, a large number of reprinted articles were reprinted, and now these old texts are deleted for better optimization. There is also a 网站 to keep up with the times to modify the section or a comprehensive revision, and there is no lack of domain name replacement. As the domain name changes, all paths of 网站 change. The search history originally in the search engine will not open without setting 404. Therefore, enterprises need to perform 404 devices on 网站 in advance, and even if there are some problems, they can jump back to the homepage and continue to browse 沈阳小程序 customization


xx 览。二,搜索功能的针对性实际上,网站里的搜索功能很多是有针对性的。有的是针对产品搜索,有的是针对文章搜索,指向的范围不同。而企业容易对这个问题遗漏,认为搜索功能是指对全站搜索,在没有测试的情况下就直接添加到网站里。当客户搜索某文章时,输入了关键词确提示“找不到该页面”,会以为这个网站没有自己想要的内容,然后离开网站。实际是,这个搜索只针对产品,如果输入文章关键词,未必能查找到。产品与文章不相通,即使有结果显示,但也不是自己想要的。因为,企业做网站在添加这个功能时,要了解清楚是针对哪方面。如果在不同栏目添加对应搜索,或者本身搜索已经很明显是指产品的,需要注明让客户知道。三,多种设备的兼容性企业在做网站过程因为修改需要,容易遗漏对网站兼容性的检查。这一点是非常重要的,如果企业只是在一种设备上显示,那么就会忽略其它设备上的浏览效果,这有可能会流失大量的客户。一个网站如果无法同时在电脑或者手机平板上完好的展示,给客户带来不一致的体验效果,容易降低对企业的好感度.1-1Z62111041G19.jpgXX


