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2019-07-13 09:38:08 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发








XX 当我参加内部测试邀请时,我说:“从小程序的定位来看,不难看出小程序适合用户的直接需求,并且它不仅仅是行业访问所需要的.Elong专注于在线预订住宿,并在以前与微信钱包的合作中积累了大量的用户行为。经验,许多用户在预订酒店时的微信钱包是当地的当地消费习惯,这对我们产品设计提供了很大的帮助开发小程序。目前,eLong从微信钱包流量也非常可观,我希望小程序 Yilong是一个机会。考虑到小程序的实际体验,在外观设计开始时在小程序,酒店,机票,交通和其他服务分开,同时操作几个小程序。“


启动eLong 小程序之后,之前的重点是小程序的初始操作和产品优化。在流量获取方面没有大规模的线下推广。因此,从背景数据中,流量和订单没有在折线中增长。 “但是小程序频道的订单转换率非常高,这证明了eLong的单一业务线分割很简单,并且可以提供完整的服务流程策略是成功的。”张晨说。



“小程序未来的应用场景是打开离线服务。”在谈到小程序的未来应用场景时,张晨这样说,并以餐饮业为例。 “客人在小程序二维码后扫描桌子,商家拿到餐桌号码,选择餐点,通过微信订购,最后等待用餐。整个过程不需要排队等候,节省人工成本和顺畅的用餐过程。想想看,这种自助服务模式可以复制,以优化住宿和交通。在业内,客人可以直接扫描代码选择前台的房间,在后台判断库存和日期,通过刷脸识别支付房费,自动检查房卡,并在办理登机手续后查看在线发票。当您用完时,小程序的价值在这里,为离线商家提供服务能力,以提高效率和成本这将是一个封闭的生态住宿系统,可能在未来实现。“

“Offline scenes can also appear in airports, train stations, scenic spots, etc. Now when we are on the plane, we will find the boarding gates and find the lounges through manual consultation. After the 小程序 in the future, we can enter the airport 小程序 to navigate through the 小程序 indoors. Find boarding gates, lounges, online facts to view airport information and value-added services, save time and effort; the same is true for scenic spots, ticket purchase, multimedia explanation, location services can be completed in a 小程序. After entering the hotel 小程序, the hotel The hardware control and service eviction can be controlled by 小程序. Such an application is to open the offline scene, connect online services, and build an eco-travel system based on user needs. To get through such an eco-travel system, it is necessary to see how the offline merchants integrate into 微信. Ecology also needs 微信 to have more powerful push capability. It also needs e-Long's third-party service platform in the industry to expand every vertical segmentation industry and truly realize 'the future is everywhere'.” About the future of 小程序, Zhang The morning is so conceived.

In the future, in addition to exploring the application scenarios of 小程序, eLong's strategic layout of booking services in 微信 is also expanding and thickening. According to data released by eLong, after successfully accessing the 微信 wallet in July last year, the 微信 end rose rapidly. After experiencing the user training period of the Golden Week such as the Spring Festival, the traffic and orders ushered in this year's Valentine's Day. Compared with the usual increase of more than 80%; before and after, last September, eLong Hotel successfully connected to QQ wallet, cultivated and influenced the travel habits of more young people, which also "sinks with eLong" to younger users. The strategy of sinking into third- and fourth-tier cities coincides.

xx 简而言之,eLong在整个腾讯环境中的生态住宅布局已经出现,有一个基于离线的小程序探索,并且还有一个基于流量的拉动,基于在线微信钱包入口,加上一个年轻的基于QQ钱包,Elong腾讯为用户创建多维度住宿预订环境的决心也将更加坚定。


