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2019-07-13 01:52:59 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发




据新加坡《联合早报》网站 10月1日报道,沈阳单身白领何宇清晨还没来得及睁开眼,一天的智能生活已开启:先是一个甜美的智能语音,提醒他起床时间到了,外出需要加件外套,下午有雨,最好再备上一把雨伞;起床后第一件事就是先在共享汽车应用上预订分时租赁汽车,免去CBD地区停车难停车贵的烦扰,有时他也会开自己的车去公司,车子上锁后一切交给泊车机器人,同样省时又省力;早餐方便得近乎可以“饭来张口”:点开手机微信上的小程序或美食应用,选好食物和取餐时间,到餐厅只需告诉工作人员预定号,一份温热的皮蛋瘦肉粥和新鲜出炉的烧饼就能按时吃到口;餐毕来到公司大楼,闸机前驻足三秒,刷脸进入办公室;下班后如果不想做饭,网上叫个外卖,也可以在预定的时间用上晚餐;等晚餐的时间里,顺便到无人超市买些新鲜水果,晚饭,二维码扫开小区门口的共享单车,迎着轻风晚霞去附近的公园健身.

XX According to reports, technology has changed the lives of Chinese people, especially urban people, and the life of white-collar workers like He Yu has become more and more convenient. Similarly, the life of aunts selling food and uncles in the 沈阳 community is also due to technology. change.

He Shuan from Sichuan sent fresh milk in 沈阳 Dongcheng District. He was happy to tell how to use his mobile phone to effectively manage his nearly one hundred milk order customers: “In the past, every month at the end of the month, there was a door-to-door milk collection fee. There will always be subscribers who are not at home. I can't get the money on time, I still need to find zero. It's annoying. Now, I put all the subscribers into a group of 微信 friends, and then set a reminder, they will transfer the money to me on time, I don't have to knock on the door again.啦."

According to statistics, in the first half of 2017, the number of mobile payment users in China reached 502 million, exceeding the total population of the city. The smart life based on mobile payment has also penetrated into the streets of the city. From the department store on the tall, to the pancake shop in the small, you can't wait to use technology to change the business model. Even the street 乞丐 has a QR code to help the music give love. In the state-owned banks of 沈阳, the scenes of overcrowding and many people queuing for money or paying fees have long since disappeared. Various self-service robots not only replaced the counter employees, but also were given more privileges than manuals in some businesses, with the mobile phone 软件开发


Significantly improved efficiency. Some streets in 沈阳 seem to be quiet. Since the installation of intelligent parking metering poles on the roadside, the scenes of disputes between car owners and charging administrators have become history. In addition, mobile payment has become an important part of the lives of Chinese people, providing a fertile ground for the development and diffusion of unmanned convenience stores.xx


