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What are the market pain points that cold chain logistics APP development can solve?

2019-07-11 11:57:15 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

Nowadays, the continuous development of the fresh e-commerce industry, and the development of the fresh-keeping e-commerce cold chain logistics problem has become an urgent need to solve the current fresh development of 沈阳软件 customization


The market has a pain point. The development of cold chain logistics APP has entered the current logistics industry. It is the continuous improvement and development of the logistics market. The development of cold chain logistics and cold chain logistics APP will enable the logistics industry to achieve more comprehensive development.


Now the fresh e-commerce industry is a commercial blue ocean in the future capital market. After years of development and exploration, logistics problems and supply chain problems are important factors affecting its development. Solving these two problems will make the development of fresh e-commerce further. Nowadays, fresh foods have extremely high requirements for the quality and transportation of goods, because the shelf life of fresh food is short and easy to wear. Through the development of cold chain logistics APP, it is possible to build a logistics information platform and cultivate a group of cold chain logistics enterprises to meet the demand of the current fresh goods market transportation, which will make the fresh products from the production source to the offline sales more widely distributed.

What are the market pain points that cold chain logistics APP development can solve?

1. The logistics information is more smooth: through the cold chain logistics APP, you can build a professional information communication platform for professional cargo owners and car owners. If customers need to transport fresh food, they can now quickly find the owner of the cold chain logistics and transportation through the cold chain logistics APP, and the various fresh products from production to direct transportation. Save on transportation time. Cold chain logistics

xx 2.仓库建设:除常规物品仓库外,物流业现正逐步建设大型冷链物流仓库。仓库中的建筑物品运输也将使冷链物流APP的出现。通过这些APP,它不仅可以成为物流运输的平台,还可以通过这些平台创建新鲜产品的批发和销售平台,延伸冷链物流APP商业价值产业链


沈阳app开发公司汇海技术认为,冷链物流作为物流业的一部分,其发展和完善对于新鲜电子商务的发展是一个巨大的产业支撑,也是物流业子行业的不断发展和完善。 2017年,中国新鲜电子商务市场交易额约1391.3亿元,同比增长59.7%,普及率仅为3%。未来一切都可以达到万亿级消费市场。冷链物流APP的发展不仅可以解决新鲜市场的痛点,还可以不断改善物流业的发展。


