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How much does it cost to develop a web-based bus app?

2019-07-11 11:16:40 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In addition to sharing bicycles and network buses, the efficient and convenient Internet bus does not lose with other shared travel tools. Compared with traditional buses, the Internet bus is more flexible and economical, which is loved by many users. In the taxi market, the network car still dominates, but


1, the function depends directly on the price

The application of the network car mainly includes: real-name verification, online reservation, online consultation, mobile payment, passenger safety, LBS positioning and other modules. Most enterprises will have their own characteristics in the process of development. The complexity of the development function, according to the user's needs, the professional APP development company can meet, the functional complexity will lead to AP沈阳软件开发 with high labor and material cost


It is also normal for the P development price to increase.

2. The development version mode is charged separately

The common users in the market use 软件 to include Android and Apple systems. They need cross-platform. The development language required between the two platforms is different. APP development companies charge according to one version, and development is also divided into custom development and Secondary development, the enterprise selects the corresponding development form with reference to its own development budget, the compatibility and stability of custom development and the later maintenance have a greater advantage than the secondary development, but this is mainly based on the company's own choice. Customized charges are higher than the second, and you can also understand the comparison.

3. The quotation evaluation needs are inevitable.

xx 任何app开发的价格都不同,成本差异也不一样。 app开发公司可以定制开发计划以满足用户的需求,并全面考虑app开发功能,开发周期,开发预算等框架.app开发报价评估程序将提供给您,并在公司之后确认并确定后,可以进行下一个开发过程。



