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What are the features of this mobile reading app?

2019-07-11 10:58:59 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

The rise of mobile reading is based on the popularity of smart phone hardware, people's fragmentation time increases, mobile phone reading is convenient for users to read anytime and anywhere, mobile reading APP development has become mainstream, 微信 and QQ insight into user habits, in the huge user traffic is open up 微信 reading and QQ reading, try to prove that this temptation is a good beginning of mobile reading.


Mobile reading APP develops both content and traffic, and uses high-quality content to stabilize existing user traffic. Continuous optimization of content has also driven the development of mobile reading, and the growth of traffic has formed a virtuous circle. What are the features of developing this mobile reading app?

1, QQ reading label

Displaying the classification of users' reading books to form a personal situation, can see the recent user reading situation, forming a personal label.

2, popular reading selection

Popular novels in a variety of categories include masterpieces, original film and television, online literary novels, etc. as well as anime and other types of novels to meet the different reading needs of users.

3. Read big data

When using 软件, the user can generate mobile reading data, including user portraits and consumption graphics, and realize author, content, operation, and other reading traffic data reports.

4. Reading social

Added praise, comment, score, interaction, etc. to evaluate the work, pay attention to friends and other open reading social door, realize the interaction between the work and the user, improve the user's stickiness, and create a new reading social circle.

5, friends read

Users can see the reading of a book, there are many ERP systems


xx 较少的朋友已经阅读,通过他朋友的名片展示他读过的书籍,喜欢书籍清单,关注作者,最近阅读。





