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2019-07-11 08:35:44 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发



1,隐藏菜单:PC端设计比较常见,它可以隐藏一些必要的功能,显示必要的功能。 2017年,设计师可以将此设计融入APP界面设计中,相信可以为产品提供一定程度的优化。 2,Touch ID完全控制:Touch ID最初仅用于解锁,但随着开发,Touch ID的指纹认证功能也得到了认可。如果你可以在2017年的应用程序设计中加入这个创新元素,我认为它会对APP登录界面做出重大改变,比如让手动密码成为过去时,开启指纹登录的新纪元。 3,采用卡片设计设计软件


: Card-style design can put some important content and related information together, making it easier for users to search and read. There are already many merchants in the market that have adopted this novel design method, and it seems that the effect is not bad. 4, let the interface have fun: Today's users like personalized things, like to pursue excitement, so be sure to be bold when designing APP products, and more into some fun, interesting elements, so that products get rid of the rigid and boring traditional design. 5, paper design: This is a relatively new design, it can make the APP interface more layered and more refined. 6, exquisite color: color is a learning, what color, how to use is a designer must be carefully considered when designing. Because only the right and reasonable color matching can make the product more refined. Good design is not the privilege of the old, designers should be more innovative, so that their own design becomes a popular standard in a new era.xx


