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2019-07-12 23:05:23 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发




The user pushes a certain message content and sells the content through the customer relationship. Customers who subscribe to corporate products can receive products, services, and information from the company on a regular basis. In foreign countries, this subscription sales model has achieved great success and has gradually penetrated into various fields.1-1Q01QA946201.png Someone will ask such a question Is the subscription mode of: 微信 feasible? There is no doubt that the answer is yes, not only feasible, but also promising. The following three reasons can prove the feasibility of this subscription model. First, at present, enterprises generally have insufficient grasp of consumer psychology. In this case, enterprises use 微信 subscription number to communicate directly with users and start one-to-one communication, which can undoubtedly greatly reduce the user's consumption risk. To maximize the user's desire to purchase, attract more customers with a low publicity cost, and understand the consumer psychology of the user. Second, if the user pays attention to the 微信 subscription number of a certain company, it indicates that he is curious about the company, and he wants to know the company and know more about the company. In this case, once the user has formed a certain consumption habit, it is difficult for other changes to occur, and repeated purchases will be formed. This is a good thing for the enterprise, and it can guarantee the formation of sticky interaction between the enterprise and the user, thus promoting the sales of the enterprise product. Thirdly, enterprises can regularly push the company's product information and various preferential activities to users by subscribing to the user's personal data, and can also infiltrate into the user's communication network. It can be seen that the 微信 subscription number has created a new situation for the company's subscription sales, and can promote the rapid development of the enterprise. The service mode of the 微信 subscription number is mainly divided into the following categories. (1) 微信 subscription number housekeeping service. The 微信 subscription number can help companies provide housekeeping services to users. The enterprise 微信 subscription number mentioned here refers to some categories of goods that have regular consumption, such as soy sauce, rice, paper towels, detergents, shower gels, and even paper diapers.xx 对于正确的消费者类别,此模型的效果最为明显。消费者使用微信直接购买这些消费类别的商品,不仅可以参与促销,而且一旦用户用完这些商品,新商品就可以自动及时上市。例如,Kiwi Crate和Babba Co致力于为儿童设计DIY手工艺品。 (2)微信订阅号码家庭服务。 微信订阅号码的家庭友好型服务,主要秉承“真诚,自然,和谐,友好”的原则,获取用户对产品和服务人员的情感共鸣。使用微信订阅号可以很容易地实现这些功能。企业还可以使用语音和视频来祝福用户等等。随着互联网的发展,城市人的生活节奏越来越快,这使得人们对家庭的热爱越来越强烈。因此,企业通过微信订阅号为用户提供家庭友好型服务,这将不可避免地赢得更多用户的关注。 (3)微信订阅号咨询服务。简而言之,咨询服务从客户的角度出发,根据客户的实际问题为彼此提供可行的解决方案。对于企业来说,微信订阅号咨询服务是企业与客户之间的有效沟通,然后提供一种可行有效的解决方案。有一个案例可以很好地证明咨询服务为企业带来的重要作用。 Shoe Dazzle女鞋网站。如果你第一次访问Shoe Dazzle,你可能不会立即发现它不同,但它会问你十多个问题,包括你的职业,你的年龄,喜欢的品牌,最喜欢的时尚。款式,喜爱的颜色,鞋码等。此时,网站所有者的专业性得到了充分体现,网站引发的许多问题只能由那些真正了解鞋子的人提出。最后,系统将根据提交的信息推荐几款符合要求的鞋子。 它可以通过客户对问题的回答来分析消费者对鞋子的特定需求,从而为不同的用户提供不同的产品供对方选择。现在,微信订阅咨询服务可以使用微信为用户提供此服务,为用户提供独家体验。 (4)微信订阅号码情景服务。 微信订阅号码的上下文服务意味着用户可以根据现实世界提供的信号,地理位置,在线活动等提供各种服务。您在社交网站上发布了一些信息,例如微信,它将由公司直接收集,然后另一方将根据您提供的信息为您提供定制服务。简单地说,如果您的车在出行时在路上,您只需要在LBS网站上发送状态。也许附近的维修店会尽快与您联系,为您提供维修服务。服务;如果您在微信上发布了想要旅行的信息,那么旅游协会将与您联系,为您提供最佳旅行计划;即使你和你的女朋友打架,你也可以用微信告诉花公司。对方可以立即与您的女朋友联系并向您发送祝福。 (5)微信订阅号码保姆服务。 微信订阅号码保姆服务可以为用户提供贴心的服务。例如,一些商家通过微信订购号销售男士袜子,内衣等,但它们不直接销售,而是通过订单销售,这是基于时间间隔。例如,您通过微信订购号码在线订购了一条内衣,而微信订阅号码知道您将每半个月更换一个,因此您将在更改前几天将内衣邮寄给您。对于不愿意外出购物的御宅族来说,这太贴心了。 类似的案例是美国婴儿用品电子商务Citruslane,它订阅了微信订阅号。它每个月为新父母提供礼品包。每个包装都是根据宝宝目前的年龄精心准备的。非常合适。 Citruslane 网站提供的包裹,无论年龄大小,都包含四到五个婴儿用品和该年龄的育儿知识。 1月份的月订单价格为25美元,年订单价格为每年250美元。 (6)微信订阅号提供信息。这种订阅模式可以为用户提供更多优惠信息,让用户享受更多优惠,从而形成周期性购买。当然,促销不可能是无限的和有限的,这样客户可以保持购买兴趣。 (7)微信订阅号码信息增值服务。 微信订阅号码信息增值服务是指企业使用微信订阅号码后台数据统计功能,记录大量用户信息,然后深入分析这些信息,以便找出消费者的消费特征,从而为用户提供更有针对性的性服务。因此,企业应充分利用微信订阅号的数据统计功能,充分利用手头的客户资源。同时,企业应考虑引入更有效的数据挖掘方法,以深入了解用户信息,以便根据用户的消费特征设计营销计划,为提供信息增值服务做准备,加快现有的发展。用户信息服务要求。速度,然后通过优惠促销,提升用户对微信订阅号码信息增值服务的兴趣,培养用户的微信订阅号码信息增值服务的良好习惯。 (8)客户需要专家来回答客户故障排除。 微信订阅号中的许多项目都非常专业,但产品的本质不是产品本身,而是它可以为用户带来什么样的体验。 For example, brand-name products can provide users with a better experience and brand value recognition, as well as other products. For this, the best thing to do is Durex. Its 微信 subscription number is answered weekly based on the user's questions, forming a question and answer highlight, which has high browsing value and is attractive enough for users. In summary, companies must make rational use of their 微信 subscription number as a medium to strengthen research on the market and consumers, segment the market and users, in order to identify core users, and locate the market to find out Targeted market. To put it simply, it is to satisfy the "individualized demand of the market" through "personalized goods." However, the most important thing is to carefully guess the user's consumer psychology, and use the data in the 微信 public number subscription number to analyze the user's consumption characteristics. In addition to subdividing the needs of users, we must further deepen this segmentation to find multi-level and diversified user demand points, so as to create targeted products and services, and timely launch and meet The “super product” that users need more needs to drive user demand and gain greater benefits in the market segment.xx


