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2019-07-12 22:58:17 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发


After completing the analysis of the predetermined 网站 user group, the webmaster can make a comprehensive judgment based on the analysis result and its own resources, and determine the final 网站 theme one to solve a certain aspect of their needs for a specific user name group. problem. The determination of the 网站 theme means the development direction, operation strategy, marketing method, staffing and cost input of 网站. This series of content should be detailed in the planning document of 网站, as the guiding document for the subsequent operation of 网站. In order to make this part of the content clear, we will illustrate how this step should be done in practice by way of example.1-1Q0311F55R58.png We take the agricultural category 网站 mentioned in the first step as an example. In the previous three aspects, the user group, the market and the user habits elaborated on the content that the 网站 user group needs to pay attention to, and summarized some characteristics and characteristics of the user group. Next, we can do the second step of the analysis results and develop the theme of 网站 and the subsequent operational strategy. In the above example, the user groups related to agriculture are farmers and farmers, and the characteristics of this group are that the Internet habits are single, the network loyalty is relatively high, and there is not much knowledge of Internet knowledge. The habits of the user groups are relatively simple. really. In addition, the market size of this-user group is relatively large, and the country has many new policies for agriculture, which strongly supports agricultural development and farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain. In combination with the above, to plan an agriculture-related 网站, the optional 网站 theme is as follows. 网站, a kind of agricultural information category 网站, is 网站, which provides agricultural information, relevant agricultural policies and agricultural expertise. After determining the theme, the following main strategies are as follows.xx 运营策略:农业资讯类网站的目标就是向用户提供最新最全的农业资讯和专业知识,所以需要站长对农业相关内容有比较全面的了解,再将用户需要的内容呈现在网站上,根据用户群体的特点可确定以文字,视频,图片为主要的网站内容表现形式。营销推广方式:农业资讯类网站在上线后的营销推广方式还是要以网站优化SEO为主,通过网络推广网站原创,实用的优质内容,提升网站的整体质量和知名度,以满足用户的需求。另外,可与农业相关院校,企事业单位合作来为网站的内容建设,宣传推广提供有效的帮助。人员配置:针对这样一个农业资讯类网站,人员配置及投入不是特别大,初期有2名专职编辑,1名美工,1名技术人员基本就能满足日常运营的需要。作为有经验的站长来说,这样的网站一般都是一一个人完成所有的工作,大大节省了网站的开。赢利模式: 资讯类网站的赢利模式,目前主要还是广告和对外。前期需要把网站的内容作为重点工作,建设高质量的内容,再做优化,推广,当网站的流量达到一定程度时就可以对外开放广告业务同时,可结合各类院校,企事业单位,针对农民关注的热点问题及农业发展的趋势制作。 - 些原创内容,作为网站的收费服务另外,也可以与当地的农业管理部门合作,推出一些线下讲座,培训等,提升网站的综合知名度。●本地化的农资电商网站这一类网站属于在线销售类网站,定位于在线销售农资产品,即本地化的农资电商网站.xx 此类网站在确定主题后,后续的策略如下。运营策略:农资销售类网站属于B2C电商网站,所以运营需要按照本地电商网站来操作。做好网站的设计和用户体验,是电商类网站的一个重要方面。同时,可推出团购类活动增加网站的知名度,并在当地结合线下活动,吸引用户的参与。目前农资类销售网站不算太多,随着互联网的发展,农资源网络化将在未来成为一个新的发展方向。营销推广方式:本地化的农资电商网站在营销推广方面需要以线上,线下相结合的方式进行,除正常的优化,推广外,还另外,团购,发放优惠券的形式也可作为网站宣传推广的途径。在人员方面,需要2名专职编辑,3-5名客服人员,1名美工,2名技术人员,2名推广人员及若干市场人员。人员配置及投入:本地电商网站主要靠在线销售来获取利润。为了提高网站交易量,一方面要做好网站的宣传推广,另一方面则要提升网站的用户体验,从内外两个方面来提高网站的销售量。通过上述对农业类微信网站制作用户群体的分析,我们得出了两个网站主题,从而它们的运作,推广,赢利模式都不尽相同,这说明前期的网站规划是整个网站生命周期的开始,也是最重要的一个环节.XX 因此,当网站管理员准备制作新的网站时,需要花费大量时间才能完成之前的网站规划,因此网站成功的可能性会相对较大,这也是很多沈阳软件公司




