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How do you build and divide the vibrato shooting team, what do you know?

2019-07-12 22:47:27 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

How to build and divide the work抖音拍摄Team, what do you know? The popularity of the vibrato and its commercial value have caused the attention of the major business owners, and the business owners have started to set up their own vibrato shooting team. After the staff is configured, the next step is to carry out a reasonable division of labor. Only a reasonable division of labor will be more efficient. How should the specific division of labor be arranged? What are the main aspects? Next, and 汇海 Take a look.


1. Content scriptwriter

The content writer is equivalent to the team's general director. It is responsible for the content, style and video content planning of the short video vertical field. The content writer needs to lead the team to position the video direction at the beginning, and then combine the playback effect to develop a small direction to ensure the team can continue. The output content.

The content writer should clearly recognize the importance of vertical, continuously combine the playback effects, research peer accounts, analyze data and other methods to optimize the content of the topic. In the recommendation process of the platform, interact with the fans, keep up with the current hot spots, plan the explosion points, and create your own vertical field labels, taking into account the interests of the later period, and avoid blindly following the trend.

2, shooting, editing staff

This aspect 沈阳小程序 development


The staff has excellent skills in video shooting and post-editing, especially in hardware and 软件, which requires constant learning and exploration of new technologies. In the process of learning to improve the level of creation and production speed, in many cases, a good shooting and editing can play a finishing touch.

3. Operators

Operators can accurately control the platform tonality, the recommendation mechanism and traffic, fan interest points of the major platforms, especially the profit mechanism of the major platforms can be accurately grasped.

xx 对于运营人员来说更重要的是能够准确的分析后台数据,信息收集等工作。运营人员需要对用户有相当高的敏感度,精准洞悉用户需求,提高用户的粘性,根据所在领域的标签在其他平台进行卡位,建立多平台流量矩阵,提高变现的速度。团队间的配合及其重要,这样利于团队不断向前迈进,从而形成一个良性循环。



