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The popular method of vibrating violence is—— 蹭 hot spot!

2019-07-12 22:44:06 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In the self-media era where attention is scarce and information is redundant, the public tends to prefer hot news and events with high attention. Hotspot means APP软件


The agglutination of traffic, the focus of attention, and the competition for traffic is the key to competition from the media, so the hot spot has become a necessary survival skill for the media. From the early year of the development of the show's pick-up show, the World Cup in the middle of the year, to the end of the year, the IG won the championship, the D&G incident, almost every hot spot was accompanied by the help of the media.

The creators' hot-spots are either subtle or blunt, but they all reveal an important message: 蹭 hotspots have formed an important part of the creation of media content, which not only can bring about a sudden increase in traffic in a short period of time, but even Further enhance the commercial value of self-media hosting. How to be more elegant and hot is a huge test for many creators.


The key to hot spots is to find the point of convergence between the hotspot and the content. Cutting from a certain angle, supplementing information or in-depth interpretation is a common hot spot. Specifically, there are mainly the following ways:

Information supplement type

Information supplementation is a relatively basic hotspot method. It is usually expressed as a supplement to the basic data of people, things, phenomena, etc. in the hotspot, event background, or integration of ideas. The purpose is to let users who have not yet understood the overall situation. Hot events have a basic global understanding. This kind of hot spot method has a lower threshold, so the number is larger and the homogenization is more serious.

Deep interpretation type

xx 对于那些在某一领域具有一定专业知识的创作者,深入的解释是关注它们的最佳方式。普通的信息补充是好的,但在他们自己的专业领域,他们似乎是矫枉过正。因此,创作者通常从热点的某个角度切入,并结合专业人员的专业知识,为观众提供对热门事件的一个方面的深入解释。







