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Alipay sneaked into the entrance of 小程序 and pre-installed 20 non-deletable 小程序.

2019-07-13 01:45:42 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

In a new version update a few days ago, Alipay went online with an entry of 小程序.

The entrance to Alipay 小程序 is not arranged on the front page, but belongs to the "friends" column. From the basic function, the search and the recently used 小程序 horizontal list are set, which is not much different from 微信.


Left is Alipay 小程序 entry, right is 微信小程序 into

In the product design logic, 微信小程序 is more focused, simple and intuitive, only provides a search function and a vertical list of recently used 小程序, more to take care of the user experience. And Alipay 小程序's work 沈阳小程序 development


The ability is more complicated and the business attributes are stronger. The biggest difference between Alipay 小程序 and 微信 is that 20 non-deletable 小程序 ad slots are pre-installed.


In addition, the central scrolling banner clicks into, which is also the entry point for 小程序. At present, although it focuses on low-carbon travel, medical care, and rescue, it is related to health and public welfare. However, it is clear that there is a possibility of entering as an advertisement for other categories in the future.


Left is Alipay 小程序, right is 微信小程序

xx 自8月份开始公测以来,支付宝小程序又经历了两个月的打磨,相信最终选择商业属性的路径,也是经过深思熟虑。因为刚刚推出,进驻支付宝的小程序数目还比较有限。对于商家而言,除了双方集团内的公司,支付宝和微信的小程序不排他,同时进驻两个平台无疑是最优解。下一步,就是看用户能否买单。



