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微信小程序 is updated again, search becomes more and more important

2019-07-12 22:15:08 来源:沈阳小程序开发 作者:沈阳软件开发

On April 2nd, 36氪 learned that 微信小程序 is undergoing grayscale testing to optimize the search experience and also to enrich the recommendation.

In the latest beta version of 微信, the content search of 小程序 is updated again, and the user can directly access the service in the 小程序 page by keyword search, and the searched content is aggregated in the category of “results” to search for the range of goods or services. It has been expanded more than before; at the same time, the specific content is more abundant than before, such as the detailed introduction of the product, the price and the payment result, etc. which can be searched according to the keyword setting.


The content is APP软件


The current richness is directly related to the launch of the “inclusion setting”. 小程序 merchants can set the content they want to display in the background of 小程序. Once allowed to be included, 小程序 related pages can be searched by users.

This is good for both users and businesses. Users can search for more accurate information, shorten the path to find goods or services, and improve the efficiency of search; and businesses can get more exposure and increase conversion rate.

At the same time, the beta version is also available on the social recommendation page "Everyone is using". It is based on the 微信 social relationship chain and recommends 小程序 pages that 微信 friends have used or viewed.


Image source: 微信 public number "Dawn program quick report (ID: xcxsubao)"

xx “每个人都在使用”类似于“朋友正在观看”,具有强大的推荐功能,为实用和有趣的中长尾小程序曝光提供更多可能性,而小程序中的产品页面和服务页面将直接推荐到这里,可以形成即时转换。

与其他平台相比,小程序,微信小程序的最大优势是社交流量及其背后的关系链。推荐功能基于此优势。 微信中的社交关系使得小程序更具吸引力。

微信小程序的“搜索+推荐”功能可以帮助商家改善C端用户体验,进一步提高产品使用率和保留率,并增加用户活动。 2018年度财务报告显示,微信小程序的活跃账户数量迅速增加,每用户每日流量同比增长54%,而长尾小程序也占每日总量的43% 小程序的流量。







